Photo Voltaic Mainstreaming (PVM) is back in giving light to the 2,500 households from the chosen municipalities in the area coverage of Cotabato Electric Cooperative Inc. through Solar Home System (SHS).
The conduct of remote sensing data analysis, geotagging, on-site inspection, validation and all other activities prior to its full implementation has been done in 2016 but because of the declaration of Martial Law in Mindanao, the program was suspended, with its resumption, separate business unit has been created to fast track the implementation and the execution of the access to sustainable energy project-photo voltaic mainstreaming that is beneficial to those households situated 3 kilometers away from the grid or from the last pole of COTELCO.
The difficulties experienced by the PVM team is nothing for as long as the solar electricity will be delivered the soonest possible time that will totally change the way of life of the beneficiaries.
In line with this project, the Complant-Lemi –the supplier of the project conducted technical training on Solar Home System on March 20, 2018 COTELCO main office.
It was attended by some of the personnel of the Cooperative, together with the separate business unit (SBU) and the community based technicians (CBT) purposely to know the process of installation.
By June 2018 the said project is expected to be done and continues monitoring will be administered by the SBU and the CBT.
The PVM project is initiated by DOE through NEA and EC which is funded by European Union through World Bank.