The vision of the Electrification Program to every rural area has now become a reality because many are now enjoying ease and convinience the benefits after the conduct of energization and switch-on ceremonies.
As of April 2018, a total of 620 households from 22 sitios have benefited from the Sitio Electrication Program (SEP).
Meanwhile, the energization efforts have reached Sitio Sultan Mangko in Barangay Dungos, Tulunan on January 15, 2018, with a total of 50 households.
Present during the energization was Honorable Reuel “Pep” Limbungan – the Municipal Mayor of Tulunan, together with COTELCO Board of Director Janet Porras, former BOD Nonong Porras, MSD Chief Cresmasita Golosino and the beneficiaries from the said Sitio.
Mayor Limbungan and BOD Porras imparted their words of gratitude to the newly energized SEP beneficiaries.
The beneficiaries also expressed their feelings in receiving the program and recognized the efforts of the government together with COTELCO which materialized the energization program.
Mayor Limbungan personally turned on the light during the switchon ceremony that marked the start of energization service in the area.